Whispr offers two APIs: GraphQL and REST. You are highly encouraged to use GraphQL API but in case you can't you still have the REST API available.
Input file
The payload you have to provide for both GraphQL and REST endpoints is described in the entityName.input.ts
import { Field } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { IsOptional, IsString } from 'class-validator';
export class WhispInputType {
@Field(() => String, { nullable: true }) // GraphQL annotations
@IsString() @IsOptional() // class-validator annotations, used by Nest Validation Pipe
_id: string;
GraphQL annotations are needed by graphql to describe the endpoint.
class-validator annotations are used to validate REST payloads.
Note: class-validator will also validate GraphQL payloads, but since the GraphQL validation happens before class-validator validation, and the rules should be the same, class-validator validation should always pass.
Warning: we use Nest validation pipe with whitelist option enabled. Therefore you must provide a class-validator annotation on fields you want to add, or they will be automatically removed by the validation pipe.