The whispr REST API is very limited compared to the GrahQL API. We will gradually make some improvements but we strongly recommend trying out GraphQL first. It's very simple, and more powerful than REST. You'll love it, we promise!

Get all Whisps

  • Method: GET
  • Path: '/whisp'
  • Success: 200

Returns all the whisps.

Get a Whisp

  • Method: GET
  • Path: '/whisp/:whispId'
  • Success: 200

Returns a whisp identified by its _id

Create a Whisp

  • Method: POST
  • Path: '/whisp'
  • Success: 201

Creates a new whisp from the body. The available fields of the whisp entity are listed here

Update a Whisp

  • Method: PATCH
  • Path: '/whisp/:whispId'
  • Success: 204

Updates the fields given in the body of a whisp identified by its _id. The available fields of the whisp entity are listed here

Replace a Whisp

  • Method: PUT
  • Path: '/whisp/:whispId'
  • Success: 204

Replaces a whisp given identified by its _id by a new whisp given in the body . The available fields of the whisp entity are listed here

Delete a Whisp

  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: '/whisp/:whispId'
  • Success: 204

Deletes a whisp identified by its _id

Get all TagGroups

  • Method: GET
  • Path: '/TagGroup'
  • Success: 200

Returns all the tagGroups.

Get a TagGroup

  • Method: GET
  • Path: '/TagGroup/:tagGroupId'
  • Success: 200

Returns a tagGroup identified by its _id

Create a TagGroup

  • Method: POST
  • Path: '/TagGroup'
  • Success: 201

Creates a new tagGroup from the body. The available fields of the tagGroup entity are listed here

Update a TagGroup

  • Method: PATCH
  • Path: '/TagGroup/:tagGroupId'
  • Success: 204

Updates the fields given in the body of a tagGroup identified by its _id. The available fields of the tagGroup entity are listed here

Replace a TagGroup

  • Method: PUT
  • Path: '/TagGroup/:tagGroupId'
  • Success: 204

Replaces a tagGroup given identified by its _id by a new tagGroup given in the body . The available fields of the tagGroup entity are listed here

Delete a TagGroup

  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: '/TagGroup/:tagGroupId'
  • Success: 204

Deletes a tagGroup identified by its _id

Get all Webhooks

  • Method: GET
  • Path: '/webhook'
  • Success: 200

Returns all the webhooks.

Create a Webhook

  • Method: POST
  • Path: '/webhook'
  • Success: 201

Creates a new webhook from the body. The available fields of the webhook entity are listed here

Delete a Webhook

  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: '/webhook/:id'
  • Success: 204

Deletes a webhook identified by its _id

Last Updated:
Contributors: semantic-release-bot